About Andreea

Andreea has always been inspired and enchanted by the exquisite beauty and heart stirring, incredible intelligence of our Mother Nature and the archetypal world of human expression.

In her art practice, she uses a combination of abstract expressionism style as a symbol of deep, subconscious perception of the world and each piece represents major reflections on a specific theme. Her work evokes a state of contemplation of the universe, a way of recharging and of capturing universal and vital energies.

Each painting is a Unique Alchemical Healing Recipe, that brings together imagery, sacred symbols, flowers and plants and diverse, rare and carefully chosen exquisite perfumes, medicinal herbs, condiments and healing powders that she gathers from all over the world and mixes together at potent times in the seasonal and astrological year.

Andreea’s art breathes and radiates her deep love and close connection with the natural world from a perspective of emotional, sensual, intuitive and mystical experience and her creations look as if they are living and growing somewhere in Nature.

Each collage fills the space around it with light and character, enchanting with its vibrant colours, delicate aromas and radiant energy.

“For me, creating art is a wonderful way to make use of the gift of Imagination and to bathe in the curative qualities of profound presence. I believe that when we create freely, from a state of surrender, we tap into a state of Infinite Potentiality and we meet the Creative Source that we surrendered to. In meeting that force and allowing it to express itself through us, it becomes a Powerful Healing Force.

We all came here to communicate how we feel, who we are, what we are witnessing. We share an innate creativity and we long to be seen in our unique formative expression and to share it with others. I believe we are all being called in these changing times on our Planet Earth to awaken to our Creative Voice and to restore our deep-rooted elemental connection with Nature, her beauty and her healing remedies.

I dream my art to inspire the senses and to awaken our love and sacred connection we have with Mother Earth and Creative Spirit.” (Andreea)